Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

Sentence : a Larger Phrase

S = NP + VP
There is no construction like usual phrase with head, specifier and complement.
I take the umbrella
I will take the umbrella
S = NP + Inflection (Infl) + VP
Inflection : tense marker or auxiliary verb

A scientist discovered the answer

NP: A scientist, Inf: past, and VP: discover the answer

A sentence has an abstract category dubbed “Infl,” which indicates the tense. Because Infl, like all heads, is obligatory, this automatically accounts for the fact that all sentences of English have tense.
Sometimes, an actual word can appear in the Infl position. Auxiliary verbs may be in the head position of sentences and are thus treated as an instance of the Infl category.
Sentences, thus, have Infl as their head and that Infl may be realized as either a tense label or an auxiliary.

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Saussure’s Principles of Phonology in Course in General Linguistics

Ferdinand de Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics (1916) is a summary of his lectures at the University of Geneva from 1906 to 1911.
Saussure examines the relationship between speech and the evolution of language, and investigates language as a structured system of signs.

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Transformation: Noam Chomsky

Reaction to Structuralism

A part of structuralism leads to the emergence of behaviorism, with the emphasis on the habit nature of language.
nChomsky challenges the behaviorist to train his chimpanzee to talk as denial for the drill and practice approach which is regarded to be the only factor to the language competence on human being.

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Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

Syntax 1-1



Model Analysis

Structural Tradition
• Structural tradition is set, by the new paradigm in seeing the language phenomenon. Owing to Durkheim in the way looking at the social realities scientifically, Saussure comes to an awareness that people should see the nature of “language science” in different way, than the natural science does.
Ferdinand de Saussure


• He is the father of “Structuralism” and “Modern Linguistics.”
• Language is an arbitrary sign system approved conventionally.
• Structural tradition starts their analysis on the morphology level. Eugene Nida’s book “Morphology, the Descriptive Analysis of Words” is a big contribution to lay the principles of morphological analysis on various language data.

Immediate Constituent (IC-cutting)
• IC (“unsur langsung”) refers to the units (usually a pair of units) which immediately make up the structure.
• There are 4 models of IC structure analysis, i.e. Nida, Hockett, Nelson, and Wells.
• The principle among the four is just the same; the difference is only on their symbols of cutting.
• For example : “the smart students”
• First, we should identify the pair constituting the structure, “the” and “smart students”
• Then, another structure should be separated to result in “smart” and “students.”